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French Visa & Passport Photo

Take Your French Passport Photo in Only 3 Seconds

French Visa & Passport Photo



Prepare Good Lighting Conditions.

Take your passport photo in natural daylight conditions, such as near a window on a sunny day. Avoid having shadows on your face or in the background.

Prepare good lighting conditions.

Consider The Distance.

Keep the front camera about 40-50cm from your face. For the rear camera, maintain a distance of 1-2 meters.

Consider the distance.

Keep Your Head And Body Straight.

Look directly into the camera and avoid tilting your head. Remember that the portrait mode is not accepted for passport photos.

Keep your head and body straight.
hero French Visa & Passport Photo
3.5 x 4.5 cm
  • Size 3.5 x 4.5 cm
  • Resolution 600.00 DPI
  • Is it suitable for online submission? yes
  • Is it printable? yes
  • Background Color gray
  • Size: 3.50x4.50 cm

    Resolution: 600.00dpi

    Format: JPEG or PNG

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