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Korea Visa & Passport Photo

Get photo for South Korea Visa 35x45 mm (3.5x4.5 cm) in 2 seconds

Korea Visa & Passport Photo



Prepare Good Lighting Conditions.

Take your passport photo in natural daylight conditions, such as near a window on a sunny day. Avoid having shadows on your face or in the background.

Prepare good lighting conditions.

Consider The Distance.

Keep the front camera about 40-50cm from your face. For the rear camera, maintain a distance of 1-2 meters.

Consider the distance.

Keep Your Head And Body Straight.

Look directly into the camera and avoid tilting your head. Remember that the portrait mode is not accepted for passport photos.

Keep your head and body straight.
hero Korea Visa & Passport Photo
3.5 x 4.5 cm
  • Size 3.5 x 4.5 cm
  • Resolution 600.00 DPI
  • Is it suitable for online submission? yes
  • Is it printable? yes
  • Background Color white
  • Definition

Detailed Guide to Korea Passport and Visa Photo Requirements

Applying for a Korean passport or visa requires adhering to specific photo specifications. This guide, based on information from the GURI (Governmental Real Estate Information & Transaction Service) of South Korea, provides a comprehensive overview of the requirements.

General Photo Requirements

  • Size: 3.5cm x 4.5cm (width x height)
  • Color: Color photograph
  • Background: Plain white background. No shadows, patterns, or objects in the background.
  • Pose: Straight-on, looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression (no smiling).
  • Head Position: The top of your head should be between 2.5cm and 3.5cm from the top of the photo.
  • Eyes: Eyes should be clearly visible and open.
  • Hair: Hair should not cover any part of your face or eyes.
  • Attire: Plain, solid-colored clothing. Avoid wearing patterned or brightly colored clothes.
  • Glasses: Glasses are permitted if you wear them regularly, but make sure your eyes are clearly visible.
  • Hats: Hats are not permitted unless worn for religious purposes.

Additional Requirements

  • Photo Quality: The photo must be sharp, clear, and of good quality. No blurry or pixelated images are accepted.
  • Recent Photo: The photo must be taken within the last six months.
  • Photo Format: Digital photos are generally accepted, but ensure they meet the size and resolution requirements. Check the specific requirements of the application process you are using.

Tips for Taking a Successful Photo

  • Proper Lighting: Ensure sufficient lighting in the photo. Avoid harsh shadows or overexposure.
  • Neutral Expression: Practice a neutral facial expression before taking the photo. Avoid smiling or frowning.
  • Dress appropriately: Choose plain, solid-colored clothing to avoid distractions.
  • Double-check requirements: Before submitting your application, carefully review the specific requirements outlined by the Korean Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence.

Important Note

  • Requirements can change: Ensure you consult the latest requirements directly from the Korean Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence as regulations may change.

By adhering to these detailed guidelines, you can ensure your passport or visa photo meets the strict requirements for entry into Korea. This will contribute to a smooth and hassle-free application process.

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